Lower, deeper, a gonner still...

Deep in the heart of the city, a group of mysterious scientists had been working on a secret project for years. They had developed a revolutionary technology that would allow computer chips to be implanted in the brains of humans to help them process complex numerical calculations. This technology promised to revolutionize the field of mathematics and computing, but the project was shrouded in secrecy. No one knew exactly how many people had been implanted with these chips, and the scientists refused to disclose any information to the public. One of the first people who was implanted with the chip was a brilliant mathematician named Dr. Katherine Lee. Katherine was one of the first people to be implanted with the chip and was considered to be the "golden child" of the project. She had always struggled with processing large numbers, but after being implanted with the chip, her abilities skyrocketed. She was able to solve complex mathematical equations in a matter of seconds, and her work was considered to be revolutionary in the field. However, as the investigation into the project began to heat up, Katherine began to experience strange sensations in her mind.

She would hear voices and see strange images that were not there. Whatever was connected to the chip seemed to be calling out to her, tempting her to enter its cryptic world. At first, Katherine was able to resist, but the longer she went without visiting the chip's universe, the more her mind began to unravel... WE WISH TO USE THIS TO OUR ADVANTAGE!